Lessons from Lakeside

Sitting on the shores of Lake George, I realize the life lessons it’s sharing. One of the best things about being here is that the view constantly changes without ever leaving our chairs. At any given time, the lake can shift from sparkling silver to a shimmering blue or deep green, and finally, sunset orange or pink. Storms roll in out of nowhere, and what was once crystal clear can’t be seen. Rain clouds unfold from behind the mountains, and an ominous gray mist slides slowly across the lake, overtaking everything in its path. Casual boaters caught off-guard race back to avoid danger. Eventually, what was once dark and gray, becomes bright and clear again. And on a few select days, a rainbow appears. Sitting in our Adirondack chairs, I recognize the same thing is happening in our lives.

Right here on the water’s edge, Mother Nature gives us perspective. We wake up each morning, assess the current situation, and then go about our business adapting to what we see before us. It seems simple here. Sunshine means being outside. Rainy days bring puzzles, trips to the market, and reading. One of the books I’m enjoying is Alicia Keys’ memoir, More Myself. In it, she shares her view of the constant change in life, “Nothing but uncertainty is certain. Circumstances come together, only to fall apart moments or months later. And then, in a flash, we must rise up and regain our footing…it’s not that the ground underneath me was suddenly shifting; it’s that it is never still.”

Here, it doesn’t occur to us to try and control our environment; we roll with it. Yet, somehow when we transition back to our working world, we spend a lot of energy trying to gain control over the current circumstances. There’s a rigidity that creeps into daily living that constricts our creativity and thinking over time. Spending time away with Mother Nature reminds us that we need to practice letting go more often.

Listen, Learn and Land That Next Idea

If we listen closely enough, we find that often our customers will tell us what’s next, what to change, and how we can add value. Gathering data and metrics are important, however, combining that information with customer feedback provides a more complete picture. If you’re hearing the same suggestions coming at you in multiple ways, take the time to slow down and listen to what the market is telling you.

By paying close attention to customer feedback, we’ve made changes to our website, offerings, and to the packaging that goes with them. While not all of the changes suggested are possible or practical, many are worth considering.

One example comes from our ability to tell a story via the artisan elements we curate. Each month, we pull data to review which gift boxes have been the most popular during that timeframe, and which artisan pieces were sold. We work with a global community of artists with whom we’ve traveled to meet and built relationships. These artists represent different styles, as well as diverse geographic areas. Combined with our hand-crafted gift boxes, one could say our gifts tell a story using quality, custom, artisan elements that tie in with the origin of place.

Over time, we realized our clients kept asking for that story. First, we responded by posting where each artisan element is from on our website. Then we noticed customers wanted it in email or in summaries, so we began sending it to them with each invoice. Some clients then took our emails and printed them out, or copied and pasted them into a note that they then gave to their gift box recipients. Everyone knew the story then. Not only was their gift handcrafted, they knew the region and state where the pieces were made. As a result of observing all of this, we decided we should provide a brief, elegant summary with each gift box, as part of our service. This will mean our clients’ customers can enjoy the story of their artisan gift box, not just our customers. It also means we’ll have to figure out the printing, paper, sizing, cost and time investment, but that’s what our customers are asking for as part of their luxury gift experience.

This is one example of information we couldn’t have uncovered in metrics alone. Keep tabs on what’s being requested (or asked to be removed) and discuss those things. It could be the game changer that takes your business to the next level.